Not to presume that this blog has been missed, but if it was, the reason has been that our family has been involved in Heavy Readiness Mode for the past few weeks as we prepared for the Bat Mitzvahs of our twin daughters, Ilana Miriam and Gabrielle, this past weekend. It has been a remarkable time. For my wife Judy (Jehudit) and myself, it is our third time through this incredible Gate of Life (previously with our slightly older 2 kids Danielle and Benjamin). The service, led by Rabbi Andy Bachman and Cantor Janet Leuchter, at Congregation Beth Elohim, and the service the previous night led by Rabbi Dan Bronstein, created a beautiful connection with the roots of our Jewish faith. Although I was not born into Judaism, for the past 20+ years it has become central to my life and my values, and the emotions and pure joy that welled up over me as the Rabbi and the Cantor consulted as to the extent of each of our daughters completion of their recitation of the parsha was profound and deep. Rabbi Bachman, who within the last 2 years, also presided over the funeral of Judy's late mother, promised us a meaningful service and it certainly was. The presence and support of many of our non-Jewish family, friends and colleagues at the service was also so joyful and gratifying. We also would like to acknowledge the preparation provided to the girls by Cantor Leuchter, the previous preparation provided by CBE president Jules (baby) Hirsch who has played a role in the preparation of all 4 of our children. The Dvar Torah preparation provided by Rabbi Dan Bronstein, CBE congregational scholar was likewise so much appreciated,as was the help of Executive Director Nancy Rubinger. We have been long-time members of Congregation Beth Elohim, sometimes more involved, sometimes less, but we are grateful to have completed this circle of growth and connection, through CBE.
--Brooklyn Beat/Tony Napoli