Monday, March 10, 2008

Politics: Governor Spitzer to Resign ?

Hard ball politics. If Governor Spitzer was involved with a prostitution ring, he broke the law. That no doubt would be overshadowed by the hypocrisy of "the Sheriff of Wall Street" having personal pecadilloes and crimes and misdemeanors of his own uncovered. Was this something that will prove to have been known in Albany, and did his bare knuckle battle with Joseph Bruno lead someone to make this public ? It doesn't matter. Politics is a tough tough game. Any weakness will be exploited. Any flaw will glint like a polished diamond in the glare of the 24/7 news cycle. The delay in the Governors' statement suggests a resignation could be in the works. As Governor who delcared he was going to clean things up in Albany and NY State, how do you work your way back from this ? Somethings cannot be repaired. This may be an example of that.