Thursday, May 8, 2008

Edible Brooklyn: Hoyt Street's Main At"traction"

My cousin's husband has, in the words of Edible Brooklyn, a "License to Till." This is the 3rd article I think I've read about Andrew's antique tractor and my cousin Cathy has yet to make an appearance. A man and his tractor shall not soon be parted. If Cortelyou Road can feature the "Farm on Adderly" than I guess Hoyt Street can have it's own Tractor Pull.

(Keeping it all in the family, I have to sincerely thank my nephew, currently keeping his head down at the Bear, and his inimitable blog, Gotham City Insider, for clueing me in on this item.)

Full article here:

2008 Brooklyn Blogfest --Tonight's the Night

Tonite. 8 PM. Brooklyn Lyceum. 4th avenue and union/president street. $10. Nuff said. We're blogging, hope you like blogging too...