Monday, October 6, 2008

Into the Abyss: Global Economy = Terra Incognito

This is edgy stuff. The Financial crisis moved into the Wall Street crisis and now, It is morphing into a global economic crisis. What does it mean? Where will it all go? We are in uncertain times. All bets--and assumptions-- appear to be off.

Mad Dog on the Markets: Get out now unless you can handle a lonnnnng wait:

NY Magazne on Wall Street, Fall of 2009:

Dow drops under 10,000. WSJ: "Deepening fear that the global economy is ailing beyond the capacity of policy makers to cure it sent stocks sharply lower on Monday."

"The Dow Jones Industrial Average falls below 10000 as financial turmoil in Europe heightens. WSJ's David Gaffen parses the reasons behind the drop and how soon we can see the effects of the recently passed bailout bill. "(Oct. 6)

The Euro is a coordinated currency among member nations without a central bank. Only the US can pump out cash as we are doing now, although its ultimate impact is unknown. The American dollar and Treasury strengthens as it is called on to provide reserves to other countries:

But always a ray of sunshine; Capitalism to the Rescue: venture capital & emerging green technologies. The Next Frontier?