Friday, February 13, 2009

Flatbush Critters: Opossum Sighting !

Just wanted to share some Flatbush Critter news -- My better Half saw an opossum this morning, around 7 AM, as she (my wife!) was leaving for work, it seems to have been camping out overnight in our garage. It woke up and ambled down the driveway to the street. It was a little too quick for a photo op..however, the stock photo here is provided as a reference

Xris at Flatbuush Gardener noted numerous sightings in previous summers, as well as Raccoons. But is this early in the season? Did the warm weather bring them out? I have seen them on the streets of Fiske Terrace before, walking up driveways, scooting under bushes, also saw one, unfortunately, as roadkill, but NIMB ...

I wonder if the old railroad tracks that run along Avenue H/Avenue I (perpendicular to the Q line) are a haven for lots of the Flatbush critters ?

Previous sightings from the ever vigilant Xris at Flatbush Gardener (in invaluable resources on Natural Brooklyn) with a great photo by Xris:

Everything you may have wanted to know about Opossums (Didelphimorphia, aka Didelphis-virginiana), which are marsupials; the young 'uns cling to Mom's back when not snuggled in Mom's pouch:

Natural facts here: