A couple of weeks ago I left the office and stopped at Duane Reade on Joralemon and Court Street on the way home to pick up a few items. Who should I see carousing the aisles, but Nate Silver, honcho of stat and punditry heavy blog Fivethirtyeight.com. He was instantly recognizable from MSNBC, although it took a moment to reconcile the scruffy jeans and t-shirt with the suit and tie talking head we have become familiar with chatting with Rachel M or Keith O. This is probably old news now, but the formerly Chicago based sports n politics genius is now a Brookyln rez.
Anyway, after months of culture heavy blogging (I admit I had even begin to turn on reruns of Law and Order: Criminal Intent, with my man man, Vincent (Sherlock) D'Onofrio) instead of Wall to wall MSNBC evening commentary, I thought I better shine a light on the American political thang. So a post on fivethirtyeight.com 's headlines seemed to be in order:
After all of the Gush on Rush, has the Democratic national Committee turned a table or two on the G.O.P. ? As the administration see's where the nexus of governing and politics meets, perhaps the DNC has a few more tricks up its sleeve (one can only hope),but whether he likes it or not, Limbaugh's been tagged as Mr. G.O.P. :
Will reformist Mousavi "capitalize" on 44's political fence mending with the Arabic world and defeat Ahmadinejad? Could be in the cards in the near future:
Are we at a tipping point: Gay marriage, state-by-state: