Monday, February 8, 2010

Governor Redux? - Patterson Poised for Resignation?

Move over Eliot Spitzer ? Hello Governor Ravitch? The rumor mill is working overtime as far as the pending revelations (or bombshell-in-the-works) about the Governor and his political future. Whether these are political moves, as reflected in the Obama Administration's lack of support for the Governor, or are predicated on personal revelations that exceed extra-marital issues to which the governor previously 'fessed up, remains to be seen. But for now, the kettle is boiling wildly, and what comes next in "Planet Albany" is anybody's guess.

Albany Times Union: Where's the Beef ? The NY Times supposedly has a pending bombshell news item on the Governor's personal life that will compel him to resign. The NY Times report has yet to see print.

Gawker: Patterson's spokesperson denies resignation-worthy bombshell in the wings

Huffington Post: "The Daily News' Elizabeth Benjamin says it's "far worse than his acknowledged extramarital affair with a former state employee."

Coached by Oprah, Jay and Dave's Super Bowl 44 Ad Helps Let By-Gones Be By-Gones

With Conan's $40 million walk part of TV history, it's time for Jay Leno to do a little image burnishing. The Super Bowl ad, with Oprah mediating for the Last Late Night Boys Standing was a surprise and cause for a hoot and a holler. One of the only really memorable spots on Super Bowl 44; but where's Coco?:

Oprah, Dave and Jay ad on Superbowl 44