Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Boing! Pong! Hocus, Pocus, Avion! - Captain Beefheart and The Magic Band - "Sue Egypt"

Chills quick you
Voices pick you
Crows hex you
[You love some?] post-'em avion
Wizard Kiss and all be gone
Boats to forever
Boated ether
Creep to ether feather
Sue Egypt
Sue Egypt
Boing pong
hocus pocus avion
I think of all those people that ride on my bones
I think of all of those people that ride on my bones
That nobody hears
That nobody sees that nobody knows
Sue Egypt
Sue Egypt
I think of all
I think of all
I think of all those people who ride on my bones
That nobody sees, that nobody dares
That nobody hears, that nobody cares
I think of the dust that collects on the chairs
and under her eyes
and through her eyes
and out her body
and in her body
and in her ha[ir/fa]ce
Big smoke fingers wave
Come here Come hear
"Bring me my scissors"
and those are waters [?]
The moon wazza*
Bad vuggum
a pitcher of red-hot juice
a picture of red garnet juice
Chills quick you
Voices pick you
Crows hex you
[Elects-some postem?] avion
Wizard Kiss and All Be Gone
Boats to forever
Boated ether
Creep the ether feather
Sue Egypt
Sue Egypt
-Don Van Vliet 1980 from the album Doc at the Radar Station

*The wazza is a type of horn played in Sudanese music. The wazza is constructed from combined cow horns, and while blown it is also tapped for percussive effect.
Also, urban dictionary - What thugs say when they are in a close proximity to superior beings (which is most of the time). YO G...WAZzA...!