Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Let There Be Google

"If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."
      -  Eric Schmidt, CEO, Google, Inc. on privacy

"Cyberspace, not so long ago, was a specific elsewhere, one we visited periodically, peering into it from the familiar physical world. Now cyberspace has everted. Turned itself inside out. Colonized the physical. Making Google a central and evolving structural unit not only of the architecture of cyberspace, but of the world." -
    - William Gibson on Eric Schmidt here

"The Big Brother effects come into play when a very powerful entity believes itself to "not be evil" and that the decisions it makes are best for all."
On Google and Privacy here 

Stephen Colbert: "[Google's motto is] Don’t be evil. Right now your stock price is $513 a share. How low will that have to go before you say that’s it, we’re going with evil." 
     - Stephen Colbert interviews Eric Schmidt here  and transcript of that discussion here

Googol (as opposed to Google)  or Google