Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Anarchy in Bel Paese: Students Riot in Rome over Berlusconi and Education Cuts

Firefighters try to estinguish the flames from a burning police van and car next to the church of Santa Maria in Montesanto in Piazza del Popolo Square during clashes between police and protesters in Rome.

More NY POST coverage and photos here

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...Wikileaks

NY POST: A figure of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is placed in a Neapolitan Christmas creche by Gennaro Di Virgilio depicting the Nativity of Jesus in Naples. In recent decades, artists and craftsmen who make Neapolitan creches have used them to portray the signs of the times. Assange, who is depicted holding his trusty laptop, was created by Di Virgilio, who each year chooses at least one contemporary character to sculpt and place near the scenes of the traditional story of Jesus' birth in a manger.