Thursday, May 19, 2011

Zoot Alors! American and French NY Post Readers Battle It Out Over DSK in the NYP Comments Section

Following the latest revelations that former I.M.F. Chief  "DSK" patronized Madame Kristin Hooker's high-priced call girls, the comments section on the article in the NY Post exploded as a battleground between New Yorkers and French readers of the tab over American forms of jurisprudence and the treatment of the French politician.

Last night, wasn't sure if I was reading to much into while watching NY1's Inside City Hall, where Errol Louis interviewed two French journalists on the coverage of the story, Americaine and Francais-style. It appeared that the reporter from France 4, bristled a bit at the questioning -- America putting France on the spot? Impossible! The other reporter observed the difficulty that the French media was having in attempting to cover such a story of intense international interest long distance. I guess the NY Post is gladly filling that gap.

Comments included: "Socialist pig!" With a reply of "that's like calling you a blonde bitch." Or "And if the trial shows he's innocent, you're gonna... give him his balls back or something ? Oh the Idiocracy!" And more "Just put your hands up and yell "Surrender" allready. That's what your good at!!! LMAO!!!" and "sure,you're the best people in the whole world...8 years with Bush as president,congratulations." Or "Why do you believe so much what you see in the newspaper? The girl in the sofitel was poor, its so easy to build a "sex story" in the american system of justice."

Of course the topper, which wouldn't make Mayor Bloomberg happy is "I will NEVER visit USA."

Read it here