Monday, June 20, 2011

Society of the Spectacle: Et, Tu, Zizek? But Maybe Not

According to the New York Post, Lady Gaga and another recent fave of DITHOB, Slovenian cultural theorist Slavoj Žižek, are buds. Since it is the The NY Post, one can easily interpret it as a zing or a knock or just a tittilating namecheck on either Zizek or Ms. Germanotta, but evidently they were in touch during Lady G's spring tour, talking "feminism and collective human creativity." (Also: As he's written, he sees the meat dress as a nod to "the consistent linking in the oppressive imaginary of the patriarchy of the female body and meat, of animality and the feminine.")

While Zizek, Man of the Mind, is no doubt a babe magnet, The Post implies a little amour feu. But Dr. Z says, "I am terribly sorry to disappoint you, but this is all a fake! The only thing I share with her is the support for the strike [Gaga showed up at a lecturer's union strike in London earlier this year]."