Peggy Noonan gets to the heart of the matter in her Wall Street Journal article yesterday:
"And it changed everything. It marked a psychic shift in our town between "safe" and "not safe." It marked the end of impregnable America and began an age of vulnerability. It marked the end of "we are protected" and the beginning of something else."
DITHOb: Ms. Noonan has penned a beautiful, heartbreaking remembrance about 9/11, about heroes, survival, and sacrifice in this beautiful City. Maybe "The" article of the 10th anniversary. G-d bless us all whether we confront, or turnaway, from this painful and staggering memory.
As Ms. Noonan writes, we will never get over it, nor should we. Like Pearl Harbor, for the New Yorkers especially those who lived in the City at the time, it will always remain indelibly etched in the memory.
For subsequent generations it may become History (or Herstory) but for those of us alive, aware, and especially for those of us with significant others and children to worry about, 9/11 will always remain the recent past, maybe even the Here and Now.
Peggy Noonan's full WSJ article here
--Anthony Napoli, Deep in the Heart of Brooklyn