Friday, November 4, 2011

Countdown to....

Elizabeth Warren and the Heckler here

Robert Reich talks about reviving the American economy here

Robert Reich: "The two worlds are on a collision course: Americans who are losing their jobs or their pay and can’t pay their bills are growing increasingly desperate. Washington insiders, deficit hawks, regressive Republicans, diffident Democrats, well-coiffed lobbyists, and the lobbyists’ wealthy patrons on Wall Street and in corporate suites haven’t a clue or couldn’t care less.I can’t tell you when the collision will occur but I’d guess 2012. Will 2012 go down in history like other years that shook the foundations of the world’s political economy – 1968 and 1989?...Here, as elsewhere, the people are rising."

Or is it just too late for revival? WS, OWS, DC and the Next Steps for Addressing the Ravages of the Late Stages of Advanced Capitalism here