Monday roundup:
NYC Controller John Liu - New York City's first Asian-American citywide elected official may be under fire for shoddy fundraising practices in his political campaign operation but don't count him out yet -- John Liu is "a bad ass" reports City Hall News
NYC Mayor announces 'Loan wolf terrorist' arrest - part alert and part distraction from NYPD's recent miserable showing with beatings of OWS demonstrators, ticket quashing scams, etc? NYC's crimefighting team under long-time Commissioner Ray Kelly is great - -make that awesome-- with intel/counterterrorism, but maybe not so great lately on the nuts and bolts of local policing. Reading between the lines, AP
here and NY Mag's Chris Smith
Breitbart reports that MSNBC's Dem pundit Chris Matthews rhetorically asks President Obama what he intends to do with a second term -- "I hear stories you wouldn't believe" -- doesn't talk to Congress; over-reliance on "virtual campaigning" not enough one-on-one meetings, gatherings - "I'm sick of those emails"...
Dem pollsters Caddell and Shoen - President should abandon campaign, turn party over to Hillary,
Egypt sees worst clashes since Mubarak; 35 protesters dead following clashes with military,
Secretive North Korea opens up to cell phone
U.S. Congress's Supercommittee -- Super failure
GOP Strategist - 'GOP campaign will go on and on and on and on..."
GOP's David Frum on "The GOPs Gone Mad-- gee, taht's too bad'
When did liberals become So Unreasonable?
--Deep in the Heart of Brooklyn