Yes, the inauguration of the President is over, with the only remaining question being whether Senator Chuck Schumer was correct in blowing a gasket over Beyonce's lip-syncha performance of the National Anthem. The Presidential election itself seems but a dim memory. With the benefit of hindsight -- was there really any doubt?
Now, once again, NYC is in the throes of the gestational phase of it's own Mayoral election. The days of Mayor Mike dwindle down to a precious few, Ed Koch is in and out of the hospital, and the candidates, of every shape, size, race, ethnic background, and orientation stampede to and fro on the hustings, seeking to be The One.
After a few days of watching the parade of candidates on NY1, NY's 24/7 cable news channel (long may you run) in addition to the general campaign coverage on the Road to City Hall, hosted by the brilliant, though occasionally pandering, Errol Louis, is it possible that we are already on the verge of Campaign Exhaustion?
Mayor Mike is slowly letting go, although no doubt, if he could change his mind (and ours), he would remain as forever as Part Time Mayor. But who, who out there, will measure up, now that we have been pounded by the Bloomberg billions and media machine for a score of years. Who could possibly fill the role held formerly by Rudy (who entered the pantheon only after 9/11) and now Mickey "Blumberg" (as the Grocer Candidate "Johnny Cats" has referred to him)? Sure, in many ways, things have become better, but whether it was due to the rising tide of the American economy through the 2008 crash, or the genius of our Mayor, that will be for historians to decide.
But for now, the bottom line remains that NY Needs a New Mayor (Even if it is "Anyone But Mike")... but who, who, who do you love? Either of the Bills? Either of the Johns? Chris? Tomanoots? Or any of the other candidates, great and small, battling their way from obscurity to Gracie Mansion?
I think we may need a Phone App to figure that out. Something that will mash together the attributes, talents, panache, passion, and Heart of all of the greats and near greats, those who were elected Mayor in the past, and perhaps those who ran, and are running now. One that will factor in all of the above, and that will delete their failings and foibles, and generate a potential candidate.
The passion and inventiveness of the late Norman Mailer (minus the assault charges); the concern for the well-being of New Yorkers of our current Mayor without the overweening know-it-all-ness and out and out arrogance that Big Money clearly brings; the awesome rags-to-riches immigrant success tale of John Catsimitidis, but with a little more clarity of thought and expression; the other American dream of Comptroller John Liu, but with a little more attention to Advanced Accounting and Finance Law 101, at least on the campaign trail. The out-there humor and joyful combativeness with the press of Ed Koch, with a less unrestrained ego......
All of that is plugged into the app..and the most likely candidate, declared or undeclared, will be.........
You get the idea...
--Anthony Napoli, Deep in the Heart of Brooklyn