Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Rubio Moment: Coming to Ya Straight From....

If the fact that CNN offered a split screen of the leadup to the State of the Union along with the manhunt for Christopher Dorner in the mountains of California wasn't bizarre enough, the Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) presentation of the GOP response to President Obama's speech seemed to surreally send everything up, up, up into the stratosphere, like the sparks and flames of the burning log cabin where Dorner was believed to have been hiding out.

Rubio's unwavering gaze from the camera, and his understandable, if obvious case of nerves, as he pleaded with listeners to understand how the President and his party have got it all wrong, did look like an opening skit from SNL. When his eyes began to turn upward and inward, that coenethesia-type body awareness, perhaps that something was caught in his throat, well you had to wonder where things were going next. So when the poor jooch stooped down to grab a bottle of agua from off-camera, and took a slug, well, the message went out the window and it was just a matter of time before the tweets and commentary rolled in. New York Magazine gives a delightful assortment here
-Anthony Napoli, Deep in the Heart of Brooklyn