Thursday, October 31, 2013

Behold the Man: Zizek on Ideology

He hates the celebrity that is imposed upon him -- summed up in labels like "the rock star philosopher" and "Elvis of cultural theory" --- but like a high speed car crash you can't watch but can't look away. When I saw Slavoj Zizek at the CUNY Grad Center last year he is an electrifying mass of brilliant- on -his -feet social and political critique delivered in a haze of tics and lisps. Now Zizek has starred in his second film with director Sophie Fiennes in which he analyzes and discusses ideology through the interpretation of popular film. It opens Friday in NYC and other locations. See the trailer below. Dilettantes Like Me interested in Cultural theory and critique- -ya gotta love the guy.

NYC Mayoral Race: Getting Down to the Wire

WHAT WOULD LHOTA DO? Running things, it ain't easy (especially when it comes to campaigns) NY TIMES article here Bill deBlasio: Blending Politics, Idealism..and more Politics NY TIMES article here