Tuesday, February 4, 2014

'Thistle and the Drone': US Dials Down Dronefare to Explore Peace Talks with Taliban

In Akbar Ahmed's 2013 volume The Thistle and the Drone, the American University scholar explores the deep cultural divides that exist between traditional tribal peoples throughout the world, but especially in Muslim inhabited regions, and the globalized technocratic cultures that are impacting the world of traditional tribal peoples - the thorny thistle of the title. 
Perhaps evincing access to  Prof. Amed's interesting book, subtitled 'How. America's War on Terror became a Global War on Tribal Islam',  the US military has dialed back drone attacks as the Pakistani government attempts to wage peace with the Taliban, story here http://m.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-curtails-drone-strikes-in-pakistan-as-officials-there-seek-peace-talks-with-taliban/2014/02/04/1d63f52a-8dd8-11e3-833c-33098f9e5267_story.html?wpisrc=al_national

More on Dr Ahmed's book and work here's http://www.brookings.edu/experts/ahmeda