Hope you had an enjoyable weekend..Thanksgiving here in Brooklyn was very nice with our gang, as we were fortunate to host famiglia...lots of work, but so enjoyable and, thankfully, relaxed, heimisch, laid back…
Now, approaching the end of the year, a sense of disquiet, uncertainty, and wonder...maybe it’s the weather, so calm and mild in NYC as December approaches..the weather a metaphor perhaps as the warmth lulls us into a kind of seasonlessness....
The end of another strange year, as though worldwide tran$ition$ are happening just out of reach, not just those who gain wealth and those who struggle, but deeper, more subtle but powerful changes that we aren’t quite aware of, extra-structures and infra-structures rising and falling, as we try to personally gain control over our own houses in motion, while the world shops, protests, luxuriates and suffers...Amidst this barely controlled chaos, with a sense of the many anarchies, large and small, abroad and here at home in the US, is it truly as it seems, a polity and economy adrift, with a sense of leaderlessness, a game of pretend as we struggle to maintain some endless Status Quo acted out in the Floating World, while the truth somehow remains ever elusive...so we are reduced to trying to examine and explore our own What's Next only in dreams...
--TN, Deep in the Heart of Brooklyn