The Purple Wonder, Prince, performing with his new backup band, 3rdEyeGirl, gave a recent interview to V Magazine, touching on music, art, religion and life...:
Back in the Day: “Think about a young person listening to Joni Mitchell for the frst time on vinyl. You know how fun that is?...”
A Cell What? : "I ask how tech-averse he really is; does he have an iPhone? “Are you serious?” he says. “Hell, no.” He mimics a high-voiced woman. “Where is my phone? Can you call my phone? Oh, I can’t find it.”
Princeheads?: "He talks about people who come to his concerts all the time, akin to the Deadheads. “People come to see us fifty times. Well, that’s not just going to see a concert—that’s some other mess going on. This music changes you. These people are not being satisfed elsewhere by musicians, you feel what I’m saying? It’s no disrespect to anyone else, because we’re not checking for them. But we don’t lip synch. We ain’t got time for it. Ain’t no tape up there.”
Our earlier post on his initial rockin' release with 3rdEyeGirl, Screwdriver,
Full interview from V Magazine