Connecticut Muffins, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Ozzies, Vox Pop, the Tea Lounge. They all pass as places where you can get a cup of something caffeine, and a little nibble or nosh while you read the paper or plug in your notebook. And of course a place to see and be seen. But none seem to compare to the sheer earthy goodness portrayed in this web site by Brit Russell Davies, that positively glorifies the tea and sandwich-chip shop that seem to say "This is England" ...http://russelldavies.typepad.com/ateaandathink/
Maybe it is because I have been begun exercising again with a vengence and turning away from bread and desserts, but the charming and unpretentious ambience of these little restaurants and tea shops with their greasy foods, hearty teas, and humble comestibles seem to say "Here, you can relax and be yourself".... The above shop is on Marylebone Lane.
--Brooklyn Beat