Among some voters, the initial sense of "Think I'm in Love But It Makes Me Kind of Nervous to Say So" about candidate Barack Obama gave way to "The Thrill is Gone" as the administration's saving of the American economic and banking system gives way to continued confusion and malaise about unemployment, Wars, and the faltering health care reform plan. But nowhere is the statement that the "bloom off of the rose" more pronounced than for "Obama Girl" whose
internet viral video helped propel the laid back, scholarly candidate's image to something more youthful, sexy and fun.
But now,
Emily Miller at Politics Daily, reports that Amber Lee Etinger, aka Obama Girl, not only expressed her disappointment with the President's "broken promises" but did so deep in the heart of the enemy's camp -- on Fox's Sean Hannity show.
From Politics Daily: "Obama Girl" has learned, real life (or in her case, real/imaginary political life) intruded on the fantasy. "If I had this crush on him the same way as I did in the beginning, I'd be the fool. You know, it's like a relationship. When you get into a relationship with somebody they're all great and perfect, they say all the right things," she said on Fox. "And then once you're in the relationship it's like, OK, they're not that perfect."All you need is love? Maybe so, but, then again, a cooperative G.O.P. and a win in Massachusetts last month wouldn't have hurt either.