We were at my son's high school graduation from Brooklyn Tech yesterday when I got a text from one of my other kids at home (we only got 2 tickets per family) about the death of Michael Jackson. An amazing talent with global impact that somehow transformed into a stranger, later life. I guess no one can account for the effects on the personality of talent and celebrity, even for a pop "genius."
And I guess the tabloids didn't call the King of Pop "Whacko-Jacko" for nothing:
I liked Michael Jackson. I liked Prince too, maybe a little more because he was more R&B and raw. I remember going to see Purple Rain when it first came out and someone in the theatre yelled out “Michael who?” MJ was a huge, influential talent, maybe more so because he was more pop-mainstream than Prince, other artists. I guess ultimately, like Elvis, and the other somewhat tragic figures in pop history, Michael Jackson will be defined by his eccentricities as well as his talent, charisma and creativity.