Visiting the State University of New York at Purchase with our son, we had the opportunity to spend a little time enjoying the wonderful Neuberger Museum of Art at Purchase College. In the past, we admired and enjoyed some great exhibitions at the Samuel Dorsky Museum at SUNY New Paltz where our daughter attends. Now the Neuberger at Purchase will be a terrific new destination and one that NYC museum goers should know. Among the current exhibitions at Neuberger, Andy Warhol is represented twice (Andy WarholX2? ), ANDY WARHOL: POP POLITICS at the Neu's Theater Gallery (through April 26, 2009) and ANDY WARHOL: SNAPSHOTS (through May 17, 2009). POP POLITICS looks at and behind the great Warhola's portraiture of notable figures of his time, Richard Nixon, Nancy Reagan, Russel Means and others. The show also explores the relentless pursuit of commissions by the artist, as he pursued relationships with celebrities and politicos with whom he may not have been politically simpatico, but who would be good subjects for his creative (and business) eye.
SNAPSHOTS explores Warhol's "Magnificent Obsession" with the image, and how the Polaroids he took served as his "sketchbook, diary, and means of communication." Photos in the show of the known and unknown also fit in fabulously with the POP POLITICS show as the interaction of photo portraiture and the Warhol silkscreen oeuvre become clear. Dianna Ross, Tom Seaver, all in their 70s and 80s persona, along with the occasional model and delivery boy who caught Andy's fancy, make this an interesting show.
The permanent collection includes Pollock, Krasner, Marcell Duchamp/Man Ray collaboration, and a lot more Warhol, among other great contemporary 20 - 21st century artists.
Another show, LAYERS IN MOTION: EGUNGUN MASQUERADE COSTUMES from the Yoruba peoples of Nigeria in the Museum's center gallery, is a small but very vibrant and colorful show (through May 16, 2009.) An adjoining show of AFRICAN ART & CULTURE: SELECTIONS FROM THE COLLECTION(through December 31, 2009) represents a renovated and expanded exhibition space showcasing major ritual and aesthetic objects from throughout the African continent. Neuberger has a lovely African Art website on the collection:
For brief mention, since the exhibit closes February 22, GREAT WOMAN ARTISTS featuring 20 works from the Neuberger's permanent collection, including Jenny Holzer's marble "In Your Self Interest," Beverly Semme's "Pot # 35," and Patty Chan's video "Love with me, Swim with You" are just a few of the interesting works in this show that will be making their way into the Neuberger's expanded collection of contemporary women's art, through the donation's of Sara M. Vance and Michelle Waddell.
More on Neuberger here: www.neuberger.org
Purchase is a lovely area in Westchester, catercorner to Connecticut and home to the Pepsi Cola worldwide HQ (try to get a Coke up here; it takes Brand dominance to another level).
Directions and planning a visit: http://www.neuberger.org/plan_a_visit.php