Above: The Press Emblem Campaign's proposal for internationally recognized symbols for journalists and media workers. The above symbols are protected by international copyright as noted.
The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), founded in June 2004 by a group of journalists from several countries, based in Geneva, is an international independent nonprofit and non-governmental organization. It aims at strengthening the legal protection and safety of journalists in zones of conflict and civil unrest or in dangerous missions. The PEC is in favor of a new international convention to improve the protection of media. It has the support of around 35 NGOs and journalists' associations in the world.
The Press Emblem Campaign, which also is working to establish accepted, internationally-recognized symbols for press - media workers in the field, and standards for protection reports that 60 journalists killed in 2009 - 91 in 2008 - 115 in 2007 - 96 in 2006>
They note:
"NOTE: The PEC includes in its statistics suspected work-related deaths among journalists, correspondents, freelances, cameramen, sound recordists, technicians, photographers, producers, administrators, cyber-reporters. The figures do not register casualties among other media employees like drivers, guards, security staff and translators. Sources are PEC members, news agencies, national press associations, IFEX, IFJ, RSF, CPJ, UNESCO (at least two sources). The MEDIA TICKING CLOCK is updated on a daily basis since the first session of the UN Human Rights Council June 2006.
We differentiate casualties between four categories: (T) for journalists intentionally targeted, (A) for journalists killed accidentally, i.e. in a terrorist blast or in fightings - private circumstances and road accidents are excluded - (C) for criminal causes (i.e. killed by drug traffickers) and (O) for other or unknown causes. The category changes when there are new findings."
More on the Press Emblem Campaign's site here: